Armundia Group

Telling a story of excellence around Italian small business

Armundia Group is an Italian company whose software solutions and ICT consultancy services for the banking, finance and insurance sectors enjoy international market reach.

In its tenth year of operation, Armundia tasked BMP with adding value to its domestic business growth process as well as to its strategy for expansion into foreign markets.

Accordingly, BMP implemented a multi-phase communication programme.

First and foremost, the agency worked together with the client to define the key messages that would distil the Group’s vision, values and expertise and, subsequently, facilitate their recognition in the market.

Following on from this, BMP delivered a training course tailored to the needs of the company’s senior managers to enable them to convey these messages to the media and other target publics with maximum effectiveness.

In parallel, the agency also created content to enable the huge breadth of expertise and experience built up by the company and its staff to be communicated accessibly and not just in a way that would be understood by those “in the trade”.

Finally, BMP put in place a press office programme based mainly on the organisation of 1-to-1 meetings with key journalists, enabling the company to ramp up its media visibility, in particular in banking and ICT sector titles such as Aziendabanca, Sistemi e Impresa, Economy Up, Blue Rating, Data Manager, Reportec, BitMat and Bancafinanza.